Second Fall 2013 Tournament - November 8th (Friday)

November 7, 2013

Here’s a reminder that the second UDL tournament of Fall 2013 semester is happening this Friday!

  • What: UDL Tournament (2nd one of Fall 2013 semester)
  • Date: November 8th, 2013 (Friday)
  • Time: 2:30 pm to 7:00 pm
  • Place: William Harkness Hall (WLH) - This is the usual place but here’s a map just in case.
  • As usual, experienced debaters and your coaches from Yale will be judging and offering feedback. Dinner will be provided. Top teams and speakers will receive gift cards from local restaurants as prizes. This semester we have added a separate category for novice debaters.
  • All levels of debating experience welcome (We mean it!)
  • Sign up with the head coach(es) at your school. Please sign up in teams and indicate varsity or novice level.
  • If you have questions about the tournament or would like to judge, please contact 

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

(Edited on Nov 13th to include motions and results)


  1. This House supports a right to bear arms.
  2. This House would ban hate speech. (Hate speech is speech that offends, threatens, or insults groups, based on race, colour, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or other traits. - Definition from the American Bar Association) 
  3. This House would require high school students to pass a drug test in order to be able to participate in school-sponsored extra-curricular activities.


Top Novice Speakers

  1. Janerry Ruiz (Common Ground)
  2. Arianna Taft (Career)
  3. Alejandra Corona (Sound)
  4. Brianna Johnson (Career)
  5. Jayonna Holmes (Sound)

Top Varsity Speakers

  1. Julia Silverstein (Co-Op)
  2. Rachel Noland (Co-Op)
  3. Zariah Altman (Sound)
  4. Xavier Sottile (Co-Op)
  5. Jamie Kelley (West Haven)

Top Teams

  1. Rachel Nolan and Xavier Sottile (Co-Op)
  2. Julia Silverstein and Maddie Feddern (Co-Op/Career)
  3. Zariah Altman and Alejandra Corona (Sound)
  4. Harrison Davis and Ray Charles Capanzana (Career)
  5. Kevin Adn-Pokn and Luigi Bernardo (Hillhouse)
Congratulations to all and thanks for showing up.