Yale Summer Debate Program 2019

June 21, 2017 - 1:49pm by Anonymous (not verified)

Dear Future Debater,

Welcome to the Yale Summer Debate Program! We return this year from August 19th to the 23rd to offer talented high school students a rigorous, rewarding (and fun!) camp experience. Our program is built on the philosophy that debate is not just an activity but a set of skills students can use to critically engage with the world, no matter their interests, helping them to become better speakers, students, and most importantly, thinkers.

We train in the parliamentary debate style, the most popular in the world and the one used by top Connecticut tournaments like the Yale Invitational and Yale Osterweis tournaments. Our program is open to all students entering grades 6-12, of all levels—students with no prior experience to advanced debaters should all find the program tailored but challenging.

    This summer, we’re proud to offer:

    • World-class staff of Yale debaters and UDL coaches
    • Typical instructor to student ratio of 1:10 or better, including small-group and individualized instruction (and plenty of practice debates!)
    • Customized skills curriculum to improve speaking style and argument construction and refutation
    • Focused discussion of essential knowledge, including topics in international relations, moral philosophy, education, and criminal justice
    • The opportunity to work on the campus of Yale University in a secure and academically rigorous environment

    By the end of the program, students should leave with more confidence in public speaking and better command of the style and strategy of parliamentary debate.

    Every experience I have had at debate camp, as a student and as an instructor, has been beyond inspiring. Because of camp, I’ve met incredible mentors, made amazing friends, and learned much more than I thought I would. I’m really hoping we can give you a similarly amazing experience, so I hope we will see you this summer!


    Baji Tumendemberel and George Nighswander, 2019 Camp Directors



    The application link for the 2019 summer program can be found by clicking here!

    We’re able to offer free instruction for students from New Haven Urban Debate League member schools and a small program fee of $350 for non-UDL students, which we use to cover food, rooms, and all debate resources for the camp. Camp payments can be made with PayPal at a $10 service charge using the link below. We also accept checks. 

    Checks can be made payable to the New Haven Urban Debate League and be delivered on the first day of camp.

    Questions? Please don't hesitate to contact us at yalesummerdebateprogram@gmail.com.