October 9 Tournament Results

 Thanks for coming to the first tournament of the 2015 Fall semester! This was our largest tournament ever, with over 25 teams competing.

Varsity Teams

1. Career PP
2. Career CS
3. Metro MN
4. Hillside IO
5. HH Coral

Varisty Speaker

1. Isabella (Hillside IO)
2. Coral Ortiz (Hillside)
3. Dylan Smith (Bridgeport DS)
4. Shanary Stewart (Bridgeport DS)
5. Olivia Pinto (Hillside IO)

Novice Teams

1. Metro MN
3. Cross LT
4. Cross GM
5. Cross-Bridgeport SW

Novice Speaker

1. Matt (Metro MN)
2. Natalie (HSC JN)
3. Tyler (Cross LT)
4. Sara (Cross-Bridgeport SW)
5. Max (Cross GM)